Wednesday in the Word Update

by | Jun 5, 2024 | 01 Podcasts, Announcements, News

Wednesday in the Word Update: The podcast is on break. In the meantime listen to one of the 500+ previous episodes and this song.

Thanks to everyone who listened to the Galatians and the Fruit of the Spirit.  I pray that God used it to help you grown in wisdom and understanding.  It’s such a joy to share the Bible with you and hear your wonderful feedback. 

I’ll be taking a short break from the podcast while I work on our next series. But you can still listen to previous episodes. There are over 500 episodes in 24 different series in the podcast feed in your app.  Just keep scrolling down until you find one you want that interests you.

If you’re on the website, select podcast and browse through the list.

I’ll leave you with a song called “My Prayer for You” by Reggie Coates from his album Intimacy.  You can find this song and all of Reggie’s music on

Thanks again for listening to this Wednesday in the word update.  I can’t wait to see you at Wednesday in the Word.

Podcasts by season

Some of my favorite podcasts series are:

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Podcast season 24, episode 13

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