Bible Questions: What is…

Answers to some of basic questions of faith, theology and history.


Bible Questions: What is...

What is sanctification?

What is sanctification?

As a new believer, I was confused about sanctification. My rather simple understanding was sanctification means your “sin-meter” is going down.

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Should Christians fast today?

Should Christians fast today?

My study of fasting in Scripture taught me two things. 1) If you want to fast as a religious ritual, do it from a heart that is expressing a genuine faith and sincere desire to know and love God; and 2) Don’t use fasting as a test to reject your fellow believers and/or impress other people.

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What is All Saint’s Day?

What is All Saint’s Day?

What is All Saint’s Day? All Saints’ Day is a time to celebrate heroes of the faith from scripture, as well as prominent figures in the early church.

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What does it mean to fear God?

What does it mean to fear God?

In biblical terms, the word “fear” does not usually focus on feelings of terror or fright.  “Fear” is a motivating emotion.  We use “fear” to determine what we will do in any given situation.

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What is the nature of faith?

What is the nature of faith?

Some see faith as a settled issue, something we no longer have to think about once we pray the sinners prayer. Others see faith as a journey with trials and troubles along the way. The goal is to grow and persevere. Which approach we take influences how we interpret the Bible. (I take the second approach.)

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What do expiation and propitiation mean?

What do expiation and propitiation mean?

When studying the atonement, you’re likely to run across two technical words: expiation and propitiation. These terms tend to appear in a text without explanation. But since they are not in the Bible and they don’t often come up in daily conversation, it can be difficult to remember what they mean.

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What does YAHWEH mean?

What does YAHWEH mean?

When God reveals Himself to Moses at the burning bush), He identifies Himself as “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”, which is often translated “I am who I Am.” What does that name mean?

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What is the Septuagint?

What is the Septuagint?

The Septuagint (often abbreviated LXX) is a translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek in the 3rd century BC. The LXX was made for the Jewish community when Greek was the common language of the day, and for many Jews was their primary language.

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What are the Sacraments?

What are the Sacraments?

What are the Sacraments? What’s the difference between the Protestant view of Sacraments and the Roman Catholic view? Rome has 7 sacraments, while Protestants have 2.

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What was the Canaanite religion?

What was the Canaanite religion?

“Canaanite” refers to the group of polytheistic people living in the historical region of Israel and Palestine at the time of the Old Testament. Canaanite mythology centered around three primary exploits of Baal.

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When did the Exodus happen?

When did the Exodus happen?

When it comes to biblical history, you can divide scholars into minimalists and maximalists. Minimalists believe almost nothing in the Old Testament is historically accurate. Maximalists believe the Old Testament is a reasonably accurate historical document. Among the maximalists, there are two main competing theories about the date of the Exodus: early and late.

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What is a disciple?

What is a disciple?

The Greek word usually translated disciple simply means a student or one who learns. But it was a particular kind of student in Jesus’ day.

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What is Good Friday?

What is Good Friday?

Since churches have had to move their services online, I took advantage of the opportunity to “attend” about 10 different Good Friday services. This was my favorite.

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What are spiritual gifts?

What are spiritual gifts?

Contrary to the popular view, I understand spiritual gifts as roles and opportunities to serve, rather than supernaturally given talents. For example, if I have the “gift of teaching,” the gift is the opportunity to teach, not the talent to teach.

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What church positions are open to women?

What church positions are open to women?

This table shows the spectrum of church leadership roles available to women under the egalitarian and hard/soft complementarian views. Individual churches may vary in their practice.

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What is a soft complementarian?

What is a soft complementarian?

The views regarding women in authority in the church can be generalized into 3 basic positions: hard complementarian (most restrictive), soft complementarian (less restrictive), and egalitarian (least restrictive). This is a summary of the soft complementarian position.

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What is a hard complementarian?

What is a hard complementarian?

The views regarding women in authority in the church can be generalized into 3 basic positions: hard complementarian (most restrictive), soft complementarian (less restrictive), and egalitarian (least restrictive). This is a summary of the hard complementarian position.

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What is an egalitarian?

What is an egalitarian?

The views regarding women in authority in the church can be generalized into 3 basic positions: hard complementarian (most restrictive), soft complementarian (less restrictive), and egalitarian (least restrictive). This is a summary of the egalitarian position.

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What is Lent?

What is Lent?

What is Lent? Is it an official Christian holiday? Was it instituted in the Bible? What — if anything — is required of believers during Lent?

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Why we have 4 Gospels

Why we have 4 Gospels

A good teacher tailors her presentation to her audience. The same is true of the four New Testament gospels. Each gospel writer had a different audience in mind and tailored his presentation of the story to his audience.

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What is the Glory of God?

What is the Glory of God?

When Paul writes in Ephesians 2 that believers are “growing into a holy temple in the Lord” and “being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit”, he’s drawing on rich Old Testament history.

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(This article has been read 1,387 times; 6 today.)