Ministry Survey Example Questions

by | Apr 5, 2016 | 02 Library, Examples

Ministry Survey Example Questions

As a ministry leader, you probably do a survey on a fairly regular basis to assess the health and effectiveness of your ministry. But what questions should ask? Which questions solicit the best input?

After 30 years in women’s ministry — and countless surveys! — these are the questions I’ve found most helpful. For multiple choice questions, suggested answers are in [brackets].

Ministry Survey Example Questions

Tell us about you

I am:  [member less than 5 years]; [attender less than 5 years]; [member between 5-10 years]; [attender between 5-10 years]; [member over 10 years]; [attender over 10 years]; [Other:]

Marital Status: [Married]; [Single]; [Divorced/Separated]; [Widowed]

Age: [18-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69;  70+]

Children (please indicate how many on each line that applies): [Preschool]; [Elementary K-5]; [Secondary 6-12]; [College/Adult]; [Grandchildren]; [None]

I am employed outside the home: [full-time]; [part-time]; [retired]; [Not at all]; [Other]

I am currently involved in the following ministries:

I am involved in these small groups:

The biggest barrier that keeps me from being more involved in Women’s Ministries is:

My preferred day and time for ministry events/programs is:  (Please select the time you would be most likely to attend): [Monday – Friday morning]; [Monday – Friday afternoon]; [Monday – Thursday evening]; [Friday – Sunday evening]; [Saturday morning]; [Saturday – Sunday afternoon]

I would like more information about: (Check all that apply.) [List your ministries]  Note: Make sure you ask for their contact information so you can follow up.

I would like to help with: (Check all that apply.) [List your ministries].

I have not attended a retreat (or missed a few) because:  (Check all that apply) [It’s too expensive]; [The topic/speaker didn’t interest me]; [I don’t feel the need for a retreat]; [I don’t have anyone to go with and don’t want to go by myself]; [I don’t have the time]; [I lack childcare]; Other]

I would like to see the following at a retreat: For example, topic, speaker, location, and/or activity

I would like to see the following special events: For example, topic, speaker, and/or activity

Share your ideas

Please finish the following sentences:

I would benefit from training and/or equipping in:

I think the three biggest needs of women in our church are:

I think the best part of Women’s Ministries is:

I think the most important thing for Women’s Ministries to do is:

If I were to start a ministry, it would be:

I personally feel called to:

Share your gifts

Here are some ways you can use your gifts in Women’s Ministry. Checking a box does not commit you for life! We’ll contact you and give you a chance to accept or gracefully decline each opportunity.  I can help with: (Check all that apply. )

  • Organize registration
  • Sing or play special music
  • Lead group singing
  • Take photos
  • Provide entertainment
  • Set up sound equipment
  • Plan a special event
  • Speak at an event
  • Share my story
  • Decorate for an event
  • Prepare refreshments or bring baked goods
  • Be a greeter
  • Write or design publicity
  • Help with event set up or clean up
  • Lead a Bible Study or small group
  • Be a mentor
  • Help with child care
  • Host a group or event in your home
  • Provide transportation
  • Adopt a senior
  • Adopt a college student
  • Teach a skill/craft
  • Other:
  • Any additional comments or thoughts or suggestions?

Online Survey Resources

Please email me and let me know how this worked for you or ways you changed and improved it.

More resources for Ministry Leaders

Photo by Chris Alcoran and used here under Flickr Creative Commons.