Zephaniah Bible Study Resources

by | Oct 5, 2020 | 02 Library, Resources by Book

Study questions, maps, charts, outlines, and links to help you study the Old Testament book of Zephaniah.

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **


  • Zephaniah prophesied to the southern kingdom of Judah approximately 630-625 BC.
  • Zephaniah is the only prophet descended from a king.
  • Zephaniah dates his message to the reign of Josiah (640-609 BC), probably prior to Josiah’s reforms.
  • 628 BC – Josiah tore down the altars to Baal (2 Chronicles 34:3-7).
  • 622 BC – Josiah found the Book of the Law (2 Chronicles 34:8-35:19).
  • Zephaniah was a contemporary of Jeremiah.
  • Politically, the weakening of the Assyrian empire gave Judah a degree of independence for the first time in 50 years which King Josiah took advantage of.
  • Theme: Judgment and destruction are certain unless you repent.
  • Zephaniah was a contemporary of Jeremiah and Habakkuk.


  • 1:1-2:3 – Judgment on Judah
  • 2:4-15 – Judgment on the nations
  • 3:1-7 – Judgment on Jerusalem
  • 3:8-20 – Salvation in the Day of the Lord

Genre: Understanding Prophecy

Section 1: Background


Introduction to the Prophets

Chart: Bible History at a glance

Blue Letter Bible: Old Testament Timeline

Biblehub: Habakkuk Overview

Biblehub: The Divided Kingdom

Chart: Kings of Israel & Judah

Bible Atlas: Assyria

Bible Atlas: Babylon

Bible Atlas: Chaldea

Bible Atlas: Jerusalem

Ray C Stedman: Overview of the Book

John MacArthur: Author, Date, Background

ESV: Introduction to Minor Prophets

ESV: Introduction to Zephaniah

ESV: The Global Message of Zephaniah

NIV: Introduction to Zephaniah

Minor prophets quotes in the New Testament

James van Dine: Analysis of Zephaniah

David Malick: An Introduction to the Book of Zephaniah

David Malick: An Argument of the Book of Zephaniah

JVernon McGee:Zephaniah and Haggai – Introductory Notes, Outlines

Charles Swindoll: Book of Zephaniah Overview

Hampton Keathley: Zephaniah – Overview

Section 2: Maps

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words

Day (13x) (of the Lord; on that day; a day of ; in that day) – Zep 1:7; Zep 1:8; Zep 1:9; Zep 1:10; Zep 1:14; Zep 1:15; Zep 1:16; Zep 1:18; Zep 2:2; Zep 2:3; Zep 3:8; Zep 3:11; Zep 3:16.

earth (8x) – Strong’s H127 in Zep 1:2; Zep 1:3; Strong’s H776 in Zep 1:18; Zep 2:3; Zep 2:11; Zep 3:8; Zep 3:19; Zep 3:20.

gather (5x) – Strong’s H7187b in Zep 2:1; Strong’s H622 in Zep 3:8; Zep 3:18; Strong’s H6908 in Zep 3:19; Zep 3:20.

remnant (4x)- Strong’s H7611 in Zep 1:4; Zep 2:7; Zep 2:9; Zep 3:13; Strong’s H7605 in Zep 1:4.

nations (3x) – Strong’s H1471 in Zep 2:11; Zep 3:6; Zep 3:8.

destroy (2x) – Strong’s H6 in Zep 2:5; Zep 2:13.

destruction – Strong’s H7724b in Zep 1:14.

Woe (2x) – Strong’s H195 in Zep 2:5; Zep 3:1.

anger (4x) – Strong’s H639 in Zep 2:2; Zep 2:3; Zep 3:8.

wrath (2x) – Strong’s H3117 in Zep 1:15; Zep 1:18.

midst (4x) – Strong’s H7130 in Zep 3:11; Zep 3:15; Zep 3:17; Strong’s H8432 in Zep 2:14.

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Zephaniah Theology

American Tract Society: Zephaniah

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Zephaniah

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Zephaniah

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Zephaniah, the Book Of; Zephaniah

Holman Bible Dictionary: Zephaniah, Book Of; Zephaniah

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Zephaniah; Zephaniah (1)

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Zephaniah

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Book of Zephaniah

McClintock and Strong: Zephaniah, Book Of,; Zephaniah

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Zephaniah

The Jewish Encyclopedia: Zephaniah

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries & Study Bibles

Ligionier.org Top 5 Commentaries: Zephaniah

Tim Challies Best Commentaries:

Commentary Reviews: Zephaniah

Walter Kaiser-Preacher’s Commentary

Biblehub Commentaries: Zephaniah

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: Zephaniah

Matthew Henry: Zephaniah

Albert Barnes Notes: Zephaniah

Reformation Study Bible Notes: Zephaniah

Geneva Study Bible: Zephaniah

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: Zephaniah

Section 6: Articles


The Message of Zephaniah An Urgent Echo — Greg A. King

The Day of the Lord in Zephaniah — By Greg A. King

The Remnant in Zephaniah (1995)– Greg A. King

The Remnant in Zephaniah (1994) — Greg A. King

The Historical Testimony of the Prophet Zephaniah – H Ferguson

Literary Look at Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah by Richard D. Patterson

Zephaniah’s Day of the LORD – Jonathan Patterson

Zephaniah: Protology in Eschatology – Mark A Winder

Zephaniah 1:7, 14 The Prophet’s Watchword: Day of the LORD-Richard Mayhue

The Commanding Importance of the Prophetic Scriptures – Charles Feinberg

D. Rudman, “A Note on Zephaniah,” Biblica 80 (1999): 109-112.

Additional Articles On Zephaniah at Bible.org

Hampton Keathley: The Minor Prophets

Section 7: Got Questions


Book of Zephaniah – Bible Survey

What are the Major Prophets and Minor Prophets?

Who are the Chemarim / Chemarims in Zephaniah 1:4?

What does it mean to worship the starry host or the host of the heavens (Zephaniah 1:5)?

When did Moab and Ammon eventually worship the Lord (Zephaniah 2:11)?

What can ordinary people do about sinful religious leaders (Zephaniah 3:4)?

What does it mean that God will rejoice over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17)?

Who was Baal?

What is the day of the Lord?

Section 8: Next

Next: Haggai

Previous: Habakkuk

Series: Resources by Book

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash