1 Corinthians Bible Study Resources

by | Apr 12, 2018 | 02 Library, Corinthians, Resources by Book

1 Corinthians Bible Study Resources

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study  Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians.

Bible Study: 1 Corinthians: Pride & Prejudice in the church

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **

1 Corinthians Basics

  • Author: Paul, writing from Ephesus around 55 AD
  • Who was Paul?
  • Occasion: To address issues in the Corinthian church which he learned from a verbal report and to answer questions the Corinthians the asked him in a letter.

1 Corinthians Structure

  • 1:1-9 – Introduction and thanksgiving
  • 1:10-6:20 – Corrections based on verbal report about situation in Corinth
  • 7:1-16:12 – Response to questions they asked him (“now concerning”)

Genre: Understanding Epistles

Section 1: Background

1 Corinthians Background & Outlines

1 Corinthians ESV Study Text

1 Corinthians NASB Study Text

How many letters did Paul write to Corinth

Paul’s use of the Old Testament

City of Corinth

Chronology of Paul

Blue Letter Bible: Chronology of Acts/Epistles

Blue Letter Bible: 1 Corinthians Outline

Bible Atlas: Corinth

Map of NT Greece

Map of Corinth from Middletown Bible Church

Ray C. Stedman: Overview of the Book

John MacArthr: Author, Date, Background

James van dine: 1 Corinthians: Introduction

David Malick (Bible.org): An Introduction to First Corinthians

David Malick (Bible.org): An Argument Of First Corinthians

Hampton Keathley IV: I Corinthians: Introduction and Outline

Daniel B. Wallace: 1 Corinthians: Introduction, Argument, and Outline

Charles Swindoll: 1 Corinthians Overview

Section 2: Maps



Paul’s Conversion and Early Ministry– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 1st Journey – Bible-History.com

1st Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 2nd Journey – Bible-History.com

2nd Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 3rd Journey – Bible-History.com

3rd Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Journeys– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Arrest and Imprisonment– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Voyage to Rome– Holman Bible Atlas

Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora– Holman Bible Atlas

Apostles’ Journeys – Bible-History.com


Israel in New Testament Times – Bible-History.com

New Testament Jerusalem – Bible-History.com

Herod the Great’s Kingdom – Bible-History.com

Herod’s Kingdom Divided – Bible-History.com

The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I – Holman Bible Atlas

The Kingdom of Agrippa II– Holman Bible Atlas

Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine– Holman Bible Atlas

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words in 1 Corinthians

Occurrences are based on New American Standard Text.  “4x/3v” means the word appears 4 times in 3 verses. “3x” means the word appears 3 times in 3 verses.

love (17x/14v) – Strong’s G26 in 4:21; 8:1, 3; 13:1-4, 8, 13; 14:1; 16:14, 16:24;  Strong’s G25 in  2:9; Strong’s G5368 in 16:22

spirit (36x/29v) –  Strong’s G4151 in 2:4, 2:10, 2:11, 2:12, 2:13, 2:14, 3:16; 4:21; 5:3, 5:4, 5:5, 6:11, 6:17, 6:19; 7:34, 7:40, 12:3, 12:4,  12:7,  12:8,  12:99,  12:11, 12:13, 14:2, 14:14,  14:16, 15:45, 16:18

body (46x/34v) – Strong’s G4983 in 5:3, 6:13, 6:16, 6:18, 6:19, 6:20; 7:4, 7:34; 9:27; 10:16, 10:17; 11:24, 11:27, 11:29; 12:12, 12:13, 12:14, 12:15, 12:16, 12:17, 12:18, 12:19, 12:20, 12:22, 12:23, 12:24, 12:27; 13:3; 15:35, 15:37, 15:38, 15:44

idols (6x) – Strong’s G1494 in 8:1, 8:4, 8:1-. 10:19,10:28, 12:2; idol (5x/4v) – Strong’s G1497 in 8:4, 8:7, 10:19; Strong’s G1493 in 8:10; idolatry (1x) – Strong’s G1495 in 10:14

temple (8x/5v) – Strong’s G3485 in 3:16, 3:17; 6:19; 8:10; 9:13

wisdom (19x/16v) – Strong’s G4678 in 1:17 (cleverness); 1:19, 1:20, 1:21, 1:22, 1:24, 1:30, 2:1, 2:4, 2:5, 2:6, (2:8 implied), 2:13 3:19; 12:8

wise (11x/10v) – Strong’s G4680 in 1:19, 1:20, 1:26, 1:27; 3:10, 2:18, 2:19, 2:20; 6:5; Strong’s G5429 in 10:15

foolishness (6x) – Strong’s G3472 in 1:18, 1:21, 1:23, 1:25, 2:14; 3:18; foolish (3x) – Strong’s G3471 in 1:20, 1:27, 3:18; fools (1x) – Strong’s G3474 in 4:10; fool – Strong’s G878 in 15:26

power (11x) – Strong’s G1411 in 1:18, 1:24; 2:4, 2:5; 4:19, 4:20; 5:4; 6:14; 15:24, 15:43, 15:56

gifts/gift (13x) – Strong’s G5486 in 1:7, 7:7, (12:1 implied), 12:4, 12:9, 12:28, 12:30, 12:31; 13:2, 13:8, 14:1, 14:12; 16:3

boast (6x) – Strong’s G2744 in 1:29, 1:31, 3:21, 4:7, 9:15, 9:16

arrogant (6x) – Strong’s G5488 in 4:6, 4:18, 4:19, 5:2, 8:1, 13:4

Section 5: Commentaries

1 Corinthians Commentaries & Study Bibles

Top 5 Commentaries on 1 Corinthians by Keith Mathison – Ligonier.org

Best Commentaries on 1 Corinthians – Tim Challies

Commentary Reviews: 1 Corinthians

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: 1Corinthians

Albert Barnes Notes on the Whole Bible: 1Corinthians

Alfords Exegetical Commentary: 1 Corinthians

Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Bible: 1Corinthians

Geneva Study Bible: 1Corinthians

Reformation Study Bible Notes: 1 Corinthians

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: 1 Corinthians

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

City of Corinth

Corinth Map – Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

Corinth – Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

Corinth – Ancient History Encyclopedia

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary Corinth

Easton’s Bible Dictionary Corinth

Fausset Bible Dictionary Corinth

Holman Bible Dictionary Corinth

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Corinth

Watson’s Theological Dictionary Corinth

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Isthmus of Corinth

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Corinth

Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia Corinth

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia Corinth (2)  Divisions in the Church at Corinth Corinth

The Nuttall Encyclopedia Corinth

The Jewish Encyclopedia Corinth


Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: Corinthians 1st & 2nd, Theology of 

McClintock and Strong: Corinthians, First Epistle to

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Corinthians, First Epistle to

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Corinthians, First Epistle to

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Corinthians, Epistles to

Epistles to the Corinthians – 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica


Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: Paul the Apostle

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Paul

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Paul

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Paul

Holman Bible Dictionary: Paul

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Paul the Apostle

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Paul

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Paul

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Paul, the Apostle

McClintock and Strong: Paul

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Paul

The Jewish Encyclopedia:


Holman Bible Dictionary: Apollos

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Apollos

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Apollos

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Apollos

Apollos in 1 Corinthians: 1:12, 3:4-6, 3:22, 4:6, 16:12

Apollos in rest of New Testament:  Acts 18:24; Acts 19:1; Titus 3:13



Holman Bible Dictionary: Stephanas

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Stephanas

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Stephanas

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Stephanas

Stephanas in New Testament: 1 Corinthians 1:16; 1 Corinthians 16:15-17

Hair & Head Coverings & Women

What is a soft complementarian?

What is a hard complementarian?

What is an egalitarian?

Resources on women in authority in the church

Marlowe: Headcovering Customs of the Ancient World

1901 Jewish Encyclopedia: Bareheadedness

1901 Jewish Encyclopedia: Hair

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Dress (scroll down to head covering section)

Wayne Grudem: “The Meaning Of kephale (head): An Evaluation Of New Evidence, Real And Alleged”, Nov. 1997

D.A. Carson: “Silent in the Churches”: On the Role of Women in 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36

Daniel B. Wallace: What is the Head Covering in 1 Cor 11:2-16 and Does it Apply to Us Today?

Wayne Grudem, But What Should Women Do in the Church? (1995)

Wayne Grudem: Meaning of Kephale After 30 Years (2015); Meaning of Kephale After 30 Years PowerPoint

Section 6: Articles

1 Corinthians Articles

1 Corinthians: A Church Divided – John H Polhill

Blue, Bradley B. “The House Church at Corinth and the Lord’s Supper: Famine, Food Supply, and the Present Distres,”

Farmer, William R. “Peter and Paul, and the Tradition Concerning ‘The Lord’s Supper’ in 1 Cor 11:23-26

Glenny, W. Edward. “1 Corinthians 7:29-31 and the Teaching of Continence in the Acts of Paul and Thecla,”

Harding, Mark. “Church and Gentile Cults at Corinth

Kent, Homer, A. “A Fresh Look at Corinthians 15:34: An Appeal for Evangelism or a Call to Purity?

Lanier, David E. “With Stammering Lips and Another Tongue: 1 Cor 14:20-22 and Isa 28:11-12,

Plummer, Robert L. “Imitation of Paul and the Church’s Missionary Role in 1 Corinthians

Reaume, John D. “Another Look at 1 Corinthians 15:29, “Baptized for the Dead,

Two Recent Commentaries on 1 Corinthians – K A Fox

Baptized into Moses – Baptized into Christ – William B Badke

1 Corinthians 12-14 – The Interpretation – David L Baker

Miracles, Charismata and Benjamin B Warfield – L Philip Barnes

1 Corinthians 3:1-15 Rethinking a Much Abused Text – Brian Borgman

1 Corinthians 15:29 Baptism for the Dead – Problem Texts – F F Bruce

The Nature and Function of New Testament Glossolalia – Mark J Cartledge

Wisdom in First Corinthians – Gordon H Clark

Another Corinthian Erastus Inscription – Andrew D Clarke

1 Corinthians 13:8-13 and the Cessation of Miraculous Gifts – R Bruce Compton

1 Corinthians 5-7 Twenty-First Century Problems in a First Century Church – William F Cook III

“All Were Baptized” Ronald E Cottle

1 Corinthians 12 – Paul’s Use of the Analogy of the Body of Christ – Brian Daines

1 Corinthians 15:29 Corinthian Religion and Baptism for the Dead… Richard E DeMaris

Paul as Master-Builder – J Duncan M Derrett

Wisdom and Knowledge in Corinthians – E Earle Ellis

1 Corinthians 10:4 The “Moveable Well”… An Extrabiblical Tradition in an Apostolic Text – P E Enns

1 Corinthians 7:1 in the NIV – Gordon Fee

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 – How are the Apostles Judges?

Renaming in Paul’s Churches – The Case of Crispus-Sosthenes Revisited – Richard G Fellows

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 The Importance of Roman Portraiture for Head-Coverings – David W J Gill

Ministry, Community and Spiritual Gifts – Ronald Y K Fung

Revelation and Tradition: The Origins of Paul’s Gospel – Ronald Y K Fung

1 Corinthians 13 Love is the Greatest Thing – Lee Gatiss

Why Differences in the Church are Inevitable – Alan Gibson

David W.J. Gill, “In Search of the Social Elite in the Corinthian Church,”

W. Edward Glenny, “1 Corinthians 7:29-31 and the teaching of continence in The acts of Paul and Thecla,”

James Greenbury, “1 Corinthians 14:34-35: Evaluation of Prophecy Revisited,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51.4 (Dec. 2008): 721-31.

Wayne Grudem, The Meaning of ‘Head’ in the Bible (CBMW.org)

Wayne Grudem, Does kephale (“head”) Mean “Source” or “Authority Over” in Greek Literature? A Survey of 2,336 Examples (1985)

Wayne Grudem, The Meaning of kephale (“Head”): A Response to Recent Studies (1990)

Wayne Grudem, “The Meaning Of kephale (‘Head’: ‘An Evaluation of New Evidence, Real and Alleged,”

Wayne Grudem, Meaning of Kephale After 30 Years (2015); Meaning of Kephale After 30 Years PowerPoint

Wayne Grudem, Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views

Wayne Grudem, The Gift of Prophecy in 1 Corinthians (Wayne Grudem’s Ph.D. dissertation)

Wayne Grudem, Pastoral Leadership for Manhood and Womanhood (co-edited with Dennis Rainey)

Wayne Grudem, Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible (1993)

Wayne Grudem, 1 Cor. 14:20-25: Prophecy and Tongues as Signs of God’s Attitude (1979)

Alan R. Guenther, “One Woman or Two? 1 Corinthians 7:34”

Mark Harding, “Church and Gentile Cults at Corinth,”

John Ker Howard, “Baptism for the Dead: A Study of I Corinthians 15:29,”

John Keir Howard, “‘Christ our Passover’: A Study of the Passover-Exodus Theme in I Corinthians,”

David Instone-Brewer, “1 Corinthians 7 in the Light of the Graeco-Roman Marriage and Divorce Papyri,”

David Instone-Brewer,”1 Corinthians 7 in the Light of the Jewish Greek and Aramaic Marriage and Divorce Papyri,”

Andrew Johnson, “Turning the World Upside Down in 1 Corinthians 15: Apocalyptic Epistemology, the Resurrected Body and the New Creation,”

Andrew Johnson, “Turning the World Upside Down in 1 Corinthians 15: Apocalyptic Epistemology, the Resurrected Body and the New Creation,

Peter R. Jones, “1 Corinthians 15:8: Paul the Last Apostle,

Dirk Jongkind, “Corinth in the First Century AD: The Search for Another Class,”

Walter C. Kaiser Jr., “Current crisis in exegesis and the apostolic use of Deuteronomy 25:4 in 1 Corinthians 9:8-10,”

Homer A. Kent, Jr., “A fresh look at 1 Corinthians 15:34: an appeal for evangelism or a call to purity?”

Seyoon Kim, “Imitatio Christi (1 Corinthians 11:1): How Paul Imitates Jesus Christ in Dealing with Idol Food (1 Corinthians 8-10),”

Brent Kinman, “Appoint the Despised as Judges!” (1 Corinthians 6:4),”

Simon J. Kistemaker, “Deliver This Man to Satan (1 Corinthians 5:5): A Case Study in Church Discipline,”

Andreas J. Köstenberger, “Gender Passages in the NT: Hermeneutical Fallacies Critiqued,”

William L. Lane, “Covenant: the Key to Paul’s Conflict with Corinth,”

David E. Lanier, “With Stammering Lips and Another Tongue: 1 Cor 14:20-22 and Isa 28:11-12,”

Eva-Maria Lassen, “The Use of the Father Image in Imperial Propaganda and 1 Corinthians 4:14-21,”

G.J. Laughery, “Paul: Anti-marriage? Anti-sex? Ascetic? A Dialogue with 1 Corinthians 7:1-40,”

William G. MacDonald, “Glossalalia in the New Testament,”

William J. Martin, “1 Corinthians 11:2-16: An Interpretation,”

Benjamin L. Merkle, “Implications for missions from Paul’s ministry in 1 Corinthians,”

Alan R. Millard, “Covenant and Communion in First Corinthians,”

Ed. L. Miller, “More Pauline References to Homosexuality,”

Paul’s Advice on Spiritual Gifts: An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14

The New Testament Teaching on the Ministry of Women

Derek Newton, “Food Offered to Idols in 1 Corinthians 8-10,”

B.J. Oropeza, “Laying to Rest the Midrash: Paul’s Message on Meat Sacrificed to Idols in Light of the Deuteronomic Tradition,”

Alan G. Padgett, “Feminism in First Corinthians: A Dialogue with Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza,

Alan G. Padgett, “The Significance of anti in 1 Corinthians 11:15,

Terence Paige, “The Social Matrix of Women’s Speech at Corinth: The Context and Meaning of the Command to Silence in 1 Corinthians 14:33b–36,”

James Patrick, “Insights from Cicero on Paul’s Reasoning in 1 Corinthians 12-14: Love Sandwich or Five Course Meal?”

Robert L. Plummer, “Imitation of Paul and the church’s missionary role in 1 Corinthians,”

Robert L. Plummer, “Eating idol meat in Corinth: enduring principles from Paul’s instructions,”

Wilbert G. Putman, “The Nature and Purpose of the Charismata,” .

Brian S. Rosner, “The Concept of Idolatry,”

John D. Reaume, “Another Look at 1 Corinthians 15:29, “Baptized for the Dead”,

James E. Rosscup, “A New Look at 1 Corinthians 3:12: ‘Gold, Silver, Precious Stones’,”

Arthur J. Rowe, “1 Corinthians 12-14: the Use of a Text for Christian Worship,”

Stephen S. Smalley, “Spiritual gifts and 1 Corinthians 12-16,”

Joop F.M. Smit, “Epideictic Rhetoric in Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians 1–4,

William David Spencer, “The power in Paul’s teaching (1 Cor 4:9-20),”

E. Coye Still, III, “Divisions Over Leaders And Food Offered To Idols: The Parallel Thematic Structures of I Corinthians 4:6-21 and 8:1-11:1,”

Wilber B. Wallis, “Problem of an intermediate kingdom in I Corinthians 15:20-28,

Wilber B. Wallis, “The use of Psalms 8 and 110 in I Corinthians 15:25-27 and in Hebrews 1 and 2”

Randall C. Webber, “A note on 1 Corinthians 15:3-5,”

Stephen J. Wellum, “Christ’s Resurrection and Ours (1 Corinthians 15),”

R. Fowler White, “Richard Gaffin and Wayne Grudem on 1 Cor 13:10: a comparison of cessationist and noncessationist argumentation,”

Chris Alex Vlachos, “Law, sin, and death: an edenic triad? an examination with reference to 1 Corinthians 15:56,”

Peter Richardson, “‘I Say, Not the Lord’: Personal Opinion, Apostolic Authority and the Development of Early Christian Halakah,

D.W.B. Robinson, “To Submit to the Judgement of the Saints,”

Brian S. Rosner, “Temple and Holiness in 1 Corinthians 5,”

Brian S. Rosner, “‘Stronger Than He?’ The Strength of 1 Corinthians 10:22b,”

Brian S. Rosner, “‘Written for Our Instruction'”

Stephen J. Wellum, “Christ’s resurrection and ours (1 Corinthians 15),”

H. H. Drake Williams, III, “Living as Christ Crucified: The Cross as a Foundation for Christian Ethics in 1 Corinthians,”

Bruce W. Winter, “Secular and Christian Responses to Corinthian Famines,”

Bruce W. Winter, “Theological and Ethical Responses to Religious Pluralism–1 Corinthians 8-10,”

Bruce W. Winter, “1 Corinthians 7:6-7: A Caveat and a Framework for “the Sayings” in 7:8-24″

Bruce W. Winter, “Puberty or Passion? The Referent of yperakmos in 1 Corinthians 7:36″

Fred G. Zaspel, “The Apostolic Model For Christian Ministry: An Analysis Of 1 Corinthians 2:1-5,”

Section 7: Got Questions

1 Corinthians GotQuestions.org

Treat like any commentary: read carefully and thoughtfully.

What does the Bible say about discernment?

Is abstinence before marriage a realistic message?

Book of 1 Corinthians – Bible Survey

Who was Gaius in the Bible?

What does it mean to boast in the Lord?

What does Paul mean when he writes of the natural man?

What does it mean that Jesus is the second Adam?

What does it mean that we will judge angels?

What does it mean that a person will not inherit the kingdom of God?

Does the Greek word arsenokoitai in 1 Corinthians 6:9 really mean ‘homosexuals’ or something else?

What does it mean that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?

Are the writings of the Apostle Paul inspired?

What does it mean that we are not to cause others to stumble?

Do women have to wear head coverings in church?

What does it mean to examine yourself?

Are the miraculous gifts of the Spirit for today?

What is the gift of speaking in tongues? Is it for today?

How do I identify my spiritual gift?

How does God distribute spiritual gifts? Will God give me the gift I ask for?

 What is praying in tongues? Is praying in tongues a prayer language between a believer and God?

What does it mean that love is patient?

What does it mean that love is kind?

What does it mean that love does not envy?

What does it mean that love does not boast?

 What does it mean that love is not proud?

 What does it mean that love is not rude?

What does it mean that love is not self-seeking?

What does it mean that love is not easily angered?

What does it mean that love keeps no record of wrongs?

What does it mean that love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth?

What does it mean that love always protects)?

What does it mean that love always trusts?

What does it mean that love always hopes?

What does it mean that love always perseveres?

What does it mean that love never fails?

What is the meaning of “perfect”?

What does it mean that faith, hope, and love remain (1 Corinthians 13:13)?

What does it mean that the greatest of these is love?

Do women have to remain silent in church?

How does bad company corrupt good character?

What does it mean to be steadfast and unmovable?

Section 8: Next

Next: 2 Corinthians

Previous: Romans

Series: Resources by Book

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