2 Timothy Bible Study Resources

by | Jul 28, 2020 | 02 Library, Resources by Book

2 Timothy Bible Study Resources

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study both Paul’s second epistle to Timothy.

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **

2 Timothy Basics

  • Who was Paul?
  • 1Timothy, 2Timothy and Titus make up the “pastoral” epistles, letters written to individuals, not churches.
  • Timothy’s father was Greek and his mother (Eunice) and grandmother (Lois) where Jews (2 Tim 1:5).
  • Paul converted Timothy when he was in Lystra (Acts 16:1-3) during his first missionary journey. Timothy traveled with Paul and was his scribe for 6 of Paul’s letters.
  • Date: c. 62-64 AD, Paul wrote 2Timothy during his second Roman imprisonment.
  • Purpose: Timothy remained in Ephesus to combat false teachers.

2 Timothy Structure

2 Timothy: Paul puts forth a series of models for Timothy’s learning and encouragement

  • 1:1-7 Greeting
  • 1:8-15 – Paul’s example
  • 1:16-18 – Onesiphorus’s example
  • 2:1-7 – Social examples (soldier, athlete, farmer)
  • 2:8-13 – Jesus’ example
  • 2:14-3:9 – Warnings against false teachers
  • 3:10-4:8 – Instructions for Timothy’s future ministry
  • 4:9-22 – Final greetings

Key Theme: suffering 1Ti 1:8; 1Ti 1:12; 1Ti 2:9; 1Ti 3:11-12; 1Ti 4:5.

Genre: Understanding Epistles

Section 1: Background

Background & Outlines

Map of NT Churches

Chronology of Paul

Paul’s use of the Old Testament

Blue Letter Bible: Chronology of Acts/Epistles

Bible Atlas: Ephesus

Blue Letter Bible: 2 Timothy Outline

John MacArthur: Author, Date, Background – 2 Timothy

NIV: 2 Timothy Introductory Notes

ESV: Introduction to 2Timothy

ESV: The Global Message of 2Timothy

2 Timothy: Introductory Notes  – Charles Swindoll

2 Timothy Introduction – James Van Dine

Key to 2 Timothy – William Orr

Second Timothy – James Gray

2 Timothy – Myer Pearlman

Introduction to 2 Timothy: Come Before Winter – Wil Pounds

2 Timothy: Introduction, Argument, and Outline – Daniel Wallace

Introduction to 2 Timothy – Henry Morris 

2 Timothy Outline and Introduction – J Vernon McGee

2 Timothy: How Not to Collapse – Ray Stedman

Section 2: Maps



Paul’s Conversion and Early Ministry– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 1st Journey – Bible-History.com

1st Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 2nd Journey – Bible-History.com

2nd Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 3rd Journey – Bible-History.com

3rd Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Journeys– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Arrest and Imprisonment– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Voyage to Rome– Holman Bible Atlas

Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora– Holman Bible Atlas

Apostles’ Journeys – Bible-History.com


Israel in New Testament Times – Bible-History.com

New Testament Jerusalem – Bible-History.com

Herod the Great’s Kingdom – Bible-History.com

Herod’s Kingdom Divided – Bible-History.com

The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I – Holman Bible Atlas

The Kingdom of Agrippa II– Holman Bible Atlas

Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine– Holman Bible Atlas

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words

Jesus (12x) in 2Ti 1:1; 2Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:9; 2Ti 1:10; 2Ti 1:13; 2Ti 2:1; 2Ti 2:3; 2Ti 2:8; 2Ti 2:10; 2Ti 3:12; 2Ti 3:15; 2Ti 4:1.

Lord (14x) – Strong’s G2962 in 2Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:8; 2Ti 1:16; 2Ti 1:18; 2Ti 2:7; 2Ti 2:19; 2Ti 2:22; 2Ti 2:24; 2Ti 3:11; 2Ti 4:8; 2Ti 4:14; 2Ti 4:17; 2Ti 4:18; 2Ti 4:22.

Christ (12x) – Strong’s G5547 in 2Ti 1:1; 2Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:9; 2Ti 1:10; 2Ti 1:13; 2Ti 2:1; 2Ti 2:3; 2Ti 2:8; 2Ti 2:10; 2Ti 3:12; 2Ti 3:15; 2Ti 4:1.

faith (8x) Strong’s G4102in 2Ti 1:5; 2Ti 1:13; 2Ti 2:18; 2Ti 2:22; 2Ti 3:8; 2Ti 3:10; 2Ti 3:15; 2Ti 4:7.

endure (4x) – Strong’s G5278 in2Ti 2:10; 2Ti 2:12; Strong’s G430 in 2Ti 4:3; Strong’s G2553 in 2Ti 4:5; endured (1x) – Strong’s G5297 in 2Ti 3:11.

not ashamed (4x) – Strong’s G1870 in 2Ti 1:8; 2Ti 1:12; 2Ti 1:16; Strong’s G 422 in 2Ti 2:15.

gospel (3x) – Strong’s 6209 in 2Ti 1:8; 2Ti 1:10; 2Ti 2:8.

word (3x) – Strong’s 3056 in 2Ti 2:9; 2Ti 2:15; 2Ti 4:2.

teaching (3x) – Strong’s G1319 in 2Ti 3:10; 2Ti 3:16; Strong’s G3056 in 2Ti 4:15.

suffer (3x) – Strong’s G3958 in 2Ti 1:12; Strong’s G4777 in 2Ti 2:3; Strong’s G2553 in 2Ti 2:9;  sufferings – Strong’s G3804 in 2Ti 3:11.

righteousness (3x) – Strong’s G1343 in 2Ti 2:22; 2Ti 3:16; 2Ti 4:8.

mercy (3x) – Strong’s G1656 in 2Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:16; 2Ti 1:18.

persecutions (2x) – Strong’s 61375 in 2Ti 3:11.

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries & Study Bibles

Top 5 Commentaries on Pastoral Epistles (1&2 Timothy, Titus) – Ligonier.org

Best Commentaries on Pastoral Epistles – Tim Challies

Commentary Reviews: Pastoral Epistles

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: 2 Timothy

Albert Barnes Notes on the Whole Bible: 2 Timothy

Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Bible: 2 Timothy

Alfords Exegetical Commentary: 2 Timothy

Geneva Study Bible: 2 Timothy

Reformation Study Bible Notes 2 Timothy

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: 2 Timothy

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias


Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: Paul the Apostle

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Paul

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Paul

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Paul

Holman Bible Dictionary: Paul

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Paul the Apostle

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Paul

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Paul

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Paul, the Apostle

McClintock and Strong: Paul

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Paul

The Jewish Encyclopedia:


American Tract Society: Timothy

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary:

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Holman Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Timothy

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Timothy

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Timotheus, Timothy

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Timothy

McClintock and Strong: Timothy

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Timothy

Timothy in Acts:  Acts 16:1-3; Acts 17:14-15; Acts 18:5; Acts 19:22; Acts 20:4


Hastings’ Dictionary of the NT: Timothy & Titus, Epistles to

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: 1&2 Timothy, Theology of

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: 1&2 Timothy, Theology of

Hastings’ Dictionary of the NT: Timothy & Titus, Epistles to

McClintock and Strong: Timothy,  1st Epistle to

McClintock and Strong: Timothy,  2nd Epistle to

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Timothy, Epistles to

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Pastoral Epistles to

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Timothy, Epistles to

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Timothy, the Epistles to

Morrish Bible Dictionary Timothy, Epistles to

Smith Bible Dictionary Timothy, Epistles of Paul to

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Timothy, Epistles to

Holman Bible Dictionary: 1 Timothy

Easton’s Bible Dictionary Timothy, Second Epistle to

McClintock and Strong: Timothy,  2nd Epistle to

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Timothy, Epistles to

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Pastoral Epistles to

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Timothy, Epistles to

Fausset Bible Dictionary Timothy, the Second Epistle to

Holman Bible Dictionary – 2 Timothy

Easton’s Bible Dictionary Timothy, Second Epistle to

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Timothy, Epistles to

Morrish Bible Dictionary Timothy, Epistles to

Smith Bible Dictionary Timothy, Epistles of Paul to

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Timothy, Epistles to

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia Timothy, Second Epistle

City of Ephesus

Holman Bible Dictionary: Ephesus

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Ephesus

McClintock and Strong: Ephesus

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Ephesus

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Ephesus


Rome – Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology

Rome and the Roman Empire – Holman Bible Dictionary


Holman Bible Dictionary: Tychicus

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Tychicus

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Tychicus

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Tychicus

Tychicus in NT: Acts 20:4, Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:12

Section 6: Articles


Dwight Edwards: 2Timothy – Call to Completion (scroll down)

Donald Guthrie: The Pastoral Epistles and the Mind of Paul

P Harding: The Word of God in 2 Timothy

EK Simpson: The Pastoral Epistles

Section 7: Got Questions


 Book of 2 Timothy – Bible Survey

Who were Lois and Eunice in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about fear?

Why is sound doctrine so important?

Who was Onesiphorus in the Bible?

What is the proper way to study the Bible?

What is the seal of God?

Who were Jannes and Jambres?

What does it mean to have a reprobate mind?

What does the Bible say about perseverance?

How should a Christian respond to persecution?

What does the Bible say about self-deception?

What does it mean that the Bible is inspired?

What does it mean that the Bible is God-breathed?

What are the different theories of biblical inspiration?

What does it mean to preach the Word?

What does it mean to endure hardship?

What does 2 Timothy 4:3 mean by itching ears?

What is a drink offering?

What did Paul mean when he said he had fought the good fight?

What did Paul mean when he said he had finished the race?

What did Paul mean when he said he had kept the faith?

Who was Demas in the Bible?

Who was John Mark in the Bible?

Who was Tychicus in the Bible? 

Who was Alexander the coppersmith in the Bible?

Section 8: Next

Next: Titus

Previous: 1Timothy

Series: Resources by Book

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash