2024 Year in Review

by | Jan 2, 2025 | News, Reflections

I started the year by taking a class on how to launch a book. One of many important principles I learned was “do not publish your first book first.” After much prayer and soul-searching, I accepted that advice.

I learned a great deal by completing a book on the Sermon on the Mount. But it is now in the drawer, to be revisited at a later date.

I am working on my second draft of my second book, which I plan to publish first. Hopefully in 2025. Details to follow.

2024 Highlights

  • Published 26 podcast episodes; 12 on the Fruit of the Spirit; 14 on the Gospel of John, for total of 479 episodes.
  • The Gospel of John marks the 25th season of Wednesday in the Word
  • Published 6 resources pages; Resources took a back seat this year, so I could work on the new book.
  • Updated and overhauled the website, switching to the Divi theme.
  • Finished the first draft of my second book
  • Switched to a new mail list program which allows more flexibility.
  • 14,743 total listens for the year. (I switched podcast hosts in May and lost some stats in the process.)
  • 27% of listeners listened to episodes published in 2024.
  • 73% of listeners listened to previous seasons of the podcast.
  • 1,228 listens/month; 283 listens/week; 40 listens/day
Celebrating 25 seasons of the Wednesday in the Word podcast

5 most downloaded podcasts from Fruit of the Spirit (season 24)

Fruit of the Spirit: Love Part 1

Fruit of the Spirit: Summary

Fruit of the Spirit: Introduction to Galatians

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Fruit of the Spirit: Love Part 2

5 most downloaded episodes from Gospel of John (season 25)

01 Gospel of John Introduction

02 In the Beginning was the Word (John 1:1-18)

04 Jesus calls the First Disciples (John 1:34-51)

07 Nicodemus: You must be born again (John 3:1-13)

06 Jesus Cleanses the Temple (John 2:13-25)

5 most downloaded episodes of all time

16 Why do you bother her? Mark 14:1-11

03 Philippians 1:12-26 To Live is Christ

07 2 Peter 2:4 Does Peter quote Enoch?

04 Habakkuk 3:1-19 Habakkuk Responds

01 Sabbath: Why remember the Sabbath?

2024 Resources

kingdom basiliea G932

boast, kauchaomai, G2744

testimony, marturia, G3141

Greek Reference Books Online

Jeremiah in Chronological Order

Geography in the Gospel of John

Top 5 resources of all time

Old Testament Books in Chronological Order (92,663 views)

King David’s Family Tree (50,231 views)

King Saul’s Family Tree (45,431 views)

How many letters did Paul write to Corinth? (23,777 views)

Psalms quoted in the New Testament (22,819 view)

Thanks for Listening to Wednesday in the Word

This podcast allows me to spend many hours every day in prayer and Bible study, for which I am very thankful. Truth be told, I’d do it even if know one listened. But it’s nice to be able to share the “wealth” with you. Here’s something about WitW listeners.

Where You Listened From

While the vast majority of listeners are in the United States, you’ll also find WitW listeners in 155 other countries (up from 146 last year).

Top 10 countries outside the USA

  1. France (up from #3)
  2. Canada (remained #2)
  3. Singapore (up from #5)
  4. United Kingdom (down from #1)
  5. Australia (up from #10)
  6. Philippines (down from #4)
  7. Belgium (new to the top 10)
  8. Kenya (up from #8)
  9. India (new to the top 10)
  10. South Africa (new to the top 10)

Countries disappearing from the top 10: Thailand, Hong Kong, Germany

In the USA, we have listeners in all 50 states. The top 10 states outside Virginia (my home state)

  1. North Carolina (up from #2)
  2. Georgia (down from #1)
  3. Texas (up from #5)
  4. South Carolina (up from #9)
  5. New York (new to the top 10)
  6. California (up from #8)
  7. Illinois (new to the top 10)
  8. Florida (down from #3)
  9. Minnesota (new to the top 10)
  10. Tennessee (down from #7)

States disappearing from the top 10: North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming

How You Listened

  • 68% listen on mobile applications
  • 20% listen through a web browser
  • 5% listen anonymously
  • 7% listen through a personal assistant, desktop app, tablet or smart TV

Favorite Podcast Apps

  1. Apple podcasts (74%)
  2. Chrome Mobile (9%)
  3. other iphone podcast app (3%)
  4. Spotify (1%)
  5. iHeart Radio for Android (1%)
  6. Overcast (1%)
  7. PodcastAddict (1%)
  8. Other Android Apps (1%)

Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.

Next: January 2025 Reflections

Previous: December 2024

2023 Reflections

Top photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash