March 2022 Reflections

by | Mar 31, 2022 | News, Reflections

I suspect many of you are convinced that Sabbath still means something today, but have no idea what it is. Sabbath is often the elephant in the room that everyone ignores because all of us handle it differently and none of us understand it.

What is the Sabbath? Why does God command it? Did Jesus change it? When do we get to enjoy it? And how can God justify resting when so much work remains to be done?  We’ll tackle these questions in the April podcasts series: Sabbath: Why, how and when.

Welcome new listeners!  I’m glad to have you along!

March Podcasts

03 Habakkuk 2:1-20 The Lord Responds

Habakkuk first asks why God would let evil go on so long among His own chosen people. Confused by the Lord’s answer, Habakkuk then asks how the Lord can let the wicked trample the righteous? Again, the Lord’s answer is not what Habakkuk expects.

04 Habakkuk 3:1-19 Habakkuk Responds

Habakkuk responds to what he has learned with a song of praise and fear. In his prayer we see the answers to our 2 theme questions.

01 When God calls: Burn your ox

When God called Elisha to be succeed the prophet Elijah, Elisha was a farmer with no apparent qualifications. Yet Elisha burned his ox and followed. Then Elisha refused to leave his mentor’s side, humbly asking that God equip him for the journey ahead.

02 When God calls: Rethink greatness 2Kings 5

How do you accomplish great things for the kingdom of God and quiet that inner voice that says whatever you’re doing, it’s not enough? In 2Kings 5, we see a series of contrasts between how the world measures greatness and God measures greatness.

03 When God calls: but I’m afraid 2Kings 6

What if God has called me to something and I’m just plain afraid to follow?  What if the path He has put before me seems too frightening or overwhelming?

New Resources

There are so many ways to listen to podcasts, getting started is confusing. Here are some tutorials for Android, iPhone, Spotify, Alexa, Audible, etc.

You can also make your own “app” to access podcasts directly from the website.

Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.

Next: April 2022 Reflections

Previous: February 2022 Reflections

Photo by Mohammad Amiri on Unsplash