We finished 1Thessalonians in April and will start 2Thessalonians in May. I will finally teach Paul’s discussion of the end times in chapter 2, a passage I’ve avoided for a long time. It will be interesting!
Book progress: The second draft of my book on the Sermon on the Mount is done and in the hands of an editor!
As always, I love hearing your comments and questions. It makes this less lecture and more conversation. The easiest way to reach me is to reply to this email. I try to answer every email, but sometimes the answer is a resource page. I love seeing your smiling faces listening to the podcast. Snap a selfie while you listen and share it with me any time.
April Podcasts

On Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It matters whether something is real or not. It also matters whether an idea is true or not. The historical fact is Jesus rose from the dead, and it makes a difference that he did. Listen

Paul deals with a second issues related to how live as a Christian: work. His advice is strive to follow God, rather than impact the world. Listen

Paul explains what it means to be alert, awake and prepared for judgment day: have faith. Christians know how the world will end and we do not have to fear it. Jesus died for us so that we might live with him. Listen.

Paul closes this letter with what appears to be an arbitrary list of exhortations. However, the list follows a theme, as Paul explains how a church community should treat each other. Listen.
New Resources

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Next: May 2023
Previous: March 2023
Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash