August 2023 Reflections

by | Aug 31, 2023 | News, Reflections

Galatians has started and we’ve already finished chapter 1. The best is yet to come.

Did you know there is more to Wednesday in the Word than a podcast? The website contains over 1000 pages of free bible study tools and resources. As you resume your local bible studies, WitW can help with your homework. I’ve got a resource page for each book of the Bible with links to tools, commentaries, outlines and articles. It’s all free and growing!

Check out the Library

August Podcasts

Paul wrote this letter around 49 AD, about 15 years after the resurrection of Jesus to churches he founded during his first missionary journey. After Paul left, the Judaizers began teaching the Galatians that they must keep the law to be fully Christian. Paul writes this letter in response.

Paul opens his letter by defending his authority and his gospel. He argues you can recognize the true gospel by its source and its substance.

Paul’s argues he received his gospel first-hand as a revelation from the risen Lord. His lack of contact with the other apostles proves to the divine origin of his understanding.

August Resources

Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.

There are so many ways to listen to podcasts, getting started is confusing. Here are some tutorials for Android, iPhone, Spotify, Alexa, Audible, etc.

You can also make your own “app” to access podcasts directly from the website.

Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.

Next: September 2023

Previous: June 2023

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash