In April, we’ll study the temptations of Jesus from Matthew’s gospel. While I’ve taught this passage many times, the podcast gives me the ability to teach it without a time constraint for the first time! I will finally be able to really explain the Old Testament background, the parallels to the Exodus, and how Jesus fulfills God’s promises to the children of Israel.
February 2021 Reflections
What should we do when Scripture annoys us? This is my best advice on handling difficult passages like the ones coming up in Matthew 2.
January 2021 Reflections
Teaching through a gospel has long been on my teaching “bucket list”. I decided to tackle Matthew’s Gospel because he is famous for his use of the Old Testament and including 5 long discourses from Jesus.
2020 Reflections
2020 was the year of the COVID pandemic. One of my “quarantine projects” was scanning much of my bible study notes, tossing the paper, and turning the information into a post that I can share with you.
WitW on Pandora
You can now find Wednesday in the Word on Pandora.
December 2020 Reflections
One of my 2020 goals was to pass 150,000 listener downloads on the podcast. I fell 187 short on 12/31, but passed 150,000 by Jan 2.
November 2020 Reflections
Meet one of my favorite OT teachers. I’m excited to feature Dr. Erika Moore on the podcast. She is one of my favorite OT teachers, and I think you’ll love her, too.
October 2020 Reflections
October was a big month for WitW! I finished a resource page for every book of the Bible; I finished the “quotations” pages, compiling all the places where Scripture quotes Scripture. We reached the culmination of the podcast series on the Holy Spirit (#8). And I need a bit less than 8,000 downloads to reach my goal of breaking 150,000.
September 2020 Reflections
WitW: Do you know who the Holy Spirit is? The 2020 State of Theology survey shows fewer evangelicals understand the Holy Spirit’s work in salvation. Let’s study the Holy Spirit together.
WitW on Amazon Music
You can now find Wednesday in the Word on Amazon music.
August 2020 Reflections
Starting September 9, new 10-week series explores what both the Old and New Testament teach us about the Holy Spirit.
July 2020 Reflections
While working on my upcoming series “Who is the Holy Spirit,” I’ve been revising, creating and updating my Bible study resources pages. I hope you’re finding them useful! I’m adding several new sections to the resources, including basic introductory information, free journal articles online and answers to basic questions.