March 2023 Reflections

by | Mar 31, 2023 | News, Reflections

I avoided teaching 1&2Thessalonians for a long time, because of the passages on the end times (e.g. 2Thessalonians 2). But I wanted to teach Thessalonians because of Paul’s advice for living your life now (e.g. 1Thessalonians 4-5). Those passages seem particularly applicable in today’s upside world. I hope you learn as much as I did.

March Podcasts

Paul is writing to a very young church comprised of people from different ethnic groups in a city that is intensely hostile to them. Paul encourages them to persevere in the faith and clarifies some issues that confuse them. Listen

In their first year of faith, three facts confirm the genuine belief of the Thessalonians: their “work of faith,” “labor of love” and “steadfastness of hope.” If that’s what our lives are about, it will be reflected in our prayers. Listen

Paul explains how he conducted himself at Thessalonica and why his message his trustworthy. Today, we face the same choice: whether or not to believe Paul based on the evidence we have from the New Testament. Listen

While Paul laments his inability to visit the Thessalonians, he rejoices over their faithful response to the gospel. Paul claims his crowning joy is seeing people like them respond to the gospel. Listen

While Paul laments his inability to visit the Thessalonians, he rejoices over their faithful response to the gospel. Paul claims his crowning joy is seeing people like them respond to the gospel. Listen


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Top Photo by Jasmin Junger on Unsplash