I joined the National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo.org) challenge to write 50,000 words of a book during the month of November. I did it! The first draft of a book on the Sermon on the Mount is complete, and I hope to have it out next year.
In the meantime, we’ll finish Matthew 12 in December. Then I’ll take a break from the podcast in January. What should we study next? Email me with your suggestions!
I’m grateful for your involvement and your continued listening to WitW!
November Podcasts

Jesus was so different from the Messiah people expected, even John the Baptist had moments where he wondered if Jesus was the Messiah. If he’s really a prophet, how could John become confused? In this passage, Jesus answers that question. Listen

What Malachi predicted is finally happening. This generation finally stands in the presence of the herald and the Messiah. How does this generation receive that message? Jesus explains with an analogy: Jesus and John are like children sitting in the marketplace playing the flute and calling to their friends to dance, but their friends refuse. Listen

For people who are self-satisfied and indifferent to God, miracles change nothing. They believe they already have wisdom and they reject Jesus. But those who are know they are needy and weary understand the miracles and embrace the wisdom of Jesus teaching. To them Jesus promises rest. Listen

Featured Resources

Welcome new listeners!
If you’re just joining our study of the Gospel of Matthew, you might want to start at the beginning. In your podcast feed, scroll down to find “01 Gospel of Matthew Introduction.” It is Season 18, Episode 1. Or follow this link to listen.
English not your first language?
My international listeners tell me it’s sometimes difficult to keep up, because English is not their first language. Try following along with the lecture notes or slowing down the podcast.

There are so many ways to listen to podcasts, getting started is confusing. Here are some tutorials for Android, iPhone, Spotify, Alexa, Audible, etc.
You can also make your own “app” to access podcasts directly from the website.
Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.
Next: December 2022
Previous: October 2022
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash