October 2022 Reflections

by | Oct 30, 2022 | News, Reflections

After receiving direct revelation from God that Jesus was the Messiah, why did John the Baptist send his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the One? In his answer, Jesus basically says: “Focus on what I am doing, instead of what I’m not doing.” We’ll develop that theme of Jesus as the unexpected Messiah in Matthew 11.

All of us face the question: What am I going to believe so much that it changes the way I think, respond and make choices? We make those decisions based on what or who we fear most. Jesus says, the wisest choice is to fear God. Listen 56 Matthew 10:24-33 Fear only God

All of us face the question: What am I going to believe so much that it changes the way I think, respond and make choices? We make those decisions based on what or who we fear most. Jesus says, the wisest choice is to fear God. Listen 56 Matthew 10:24-33 Fear only God

Ultimately Jesus’ role is to bring peace and restoration to the earth, but not yet. First, he came to bring a sword because his message requires a choice and that choice divides even families. To follow Jesus, you must be willing to live with that rejection and hostility, even if it means losing your closest family members or your very life. Listen 57 Matthew 10:34-39 Not peace, a sword

Jesus ends this discourse by telling the Twelve their role is like the prophets. They are standing in the place of Jesus. How people respond to the apostles reveals how they respond to Jesus. Listen 58 Matthew 10:40-42 Receiving a prophet

Matthew shifts his focus to the how people respond to Jesus. Most reject him. Even John the Baptist becomes confused, because Jesus is not acting like the Messiah he expected. Listen 59 Matthew 11:1-6 Are you the one?

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Previous: September 2022

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash