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Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word with Krisan Marotta is

  • a weekly podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.
  • an online library of Bible study tools and resources.

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Latest Podcast Season

2 Peter: How to find life

2 Peter: How to find life

Simon Peter served as an apostle of Jesus Christ for 3 or 4 decades.  As his earthly life drew to a close, Peter wrote his second letter to encourage and admonish the churches. What truths did he think were so important that he had to make sure he wrote them down before he died? Peter strongly emphasizes our future hope and the return of Christ.  Our future hope is more than living forever: it concerns being freed from sin and death and sharing the holiness of God.

Celebrating Season 25 of the Wednesday in the Word podcast

The longest running Bible Study podcast in the world


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Latest articles from Krisan Marotta

From the blog

September 2023 Reflections

September 2023 Reflections

A national survey revealed that 42% of pastors considered quitting recently and many already have. There’s no question in my mind that we ask too much of pastors today, but I also think pastors share a bit of the blame. Here’s my solution to the “Great Pastor Resignation.”

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Like Ezra, I have set my hear to “study the Law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach His statutes” (Ezra 7:10).

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New to Wednesday in the Word? Here are some suggested places to start

(This article has been read 14,322 times; 362 today.)