Philippians Bible Study Resources

by | Jun 25, 2017 | 02 Library, Philippians, Resources by Book

Philippians Bible Study Resources

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study Paul’s epistle to the Philippians.

Bible Study: Philippians: Choose Life

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **

Philippians Basics

  • Author: Apostle Paul
  • Who was Paul?
  • Date: Written during Roman imprisonment around 60-61 AD
  • Purpose: to express his joy that their faith has led them to support him financially; to report to them on the circumstances of his imprisonment; to encourage them to continue to living lives marked by obedient persevering faith.

Philippians Structure

  • 1:1-2 – Greeting
  • 1:3-11 – Thanksgiving and prayer
  • 1:12-2:30 News and instructions
  • 3:1-21 – Warnings about false teachers
  • 4:1-9 – Exhortations
  • 4:10-20 – Gratitude for gift
  • 4:21-31 – Concluding remarks

Genre: Understanding Epistles

Section 1: Background

Background & Outlines

How to do an analytical outline (my favorite study tool)

Philippians NASB Study Text

Philippians ESV Study Text

Chronology of Paul

Paul’s use of the Old Testament

Blue Letter Bible: Chronology of Acts/Epistles

Bible Atlas: Philippi

Blue Letter Bible: Philippians Outline

Ray C. Stedman: Overview of the Book

John MacArthuer: Author, Date, Background

NIV: Philippians Introduction

ESV: Introduction with Timeline and Map 

ESV: The Global Message of Philippians

Myer Pearlman (1935): Philippians – Through the Bible Book by Book

James Van Dine: Intro to Philippians

James Gray (1906): Philippians – Synthetic Bible Study

J Vernon McGee: Philippians – Notes and Outlines 

William Orr: Philippians – Keys to the NT 

Charles Swindoll: Philippians Overview

Section 2: Maps

ESV: Philippi in the time of Paul – nice color map of the city



Paul’s Conversion and Early Ministry– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 1st Journey –

1st Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 2nd Journey –

2nd Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s 3rd Journey –

3rd Missionary Journey of Paul– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Journeys– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Arrest and Imprisonment– Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Voyage to Rome– Holman Bible Atlas

Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora– Holman Bible Atlas

Apostles’ Journeys –


Israel in New Testament Times –

New Testament Jerusalem –

Herod the Great’s Kingdom –

Herod’s Kingdom Divided –

The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I – Holman Bible Atlas

The Kingdom of Agrippa II– Holman Bible Atlas

Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine– Holman Bible Atlas

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words in Phillipans

Occurrences are based on New American Standard Text.  “4x/3v” means the word appears 4 times in 3 verses. “3x” means the word appears 3 times in 3 verses.

Christ/in Christ (37x/35v) – Strong’s G5547 in Php 1:1; Php 1:2; Php 1:6; Php 1:8; Php 1:10; Php 1:11; Php 1:13; Php 1:15; Php 1:17; Php 1:18; Php 1:19; Php 1:20; Php 1:21; Php 1:23; Php 1:26; Php 1:27; Php 1:29; Php 2:1; Php 2:5; Php 2:11; Php 2:16; Php 2:21; Php 2:30; Php 3:3; Php 3:7; Php 3:8; Php 3:9; Php 3:12; Php 3:14; Php 3:18; Php 3:20; Php 4:7; Php 4:19; Php 4:21; Php 4:23.

rejoice (8x/6v) – Strong’s G5463 in Php 1:18; Php 2:17; Php 2:18; Php 2:28; Php 3:1; Php 4:4; / joy (5x) – Strong’s G5479 in Php 1:4; Php 1:25; Php 2:2; Php 2:17; Php 2:18; Php 2:29; Php 4:1.

gospel (9x/8v) – Strong’s G2009 in Php 1:5; Php 1:7; Php 1:12; Php 1:16; Php 1:27; Php 2:22; Php 4:3; Php 4:15.

Spirit/spirit (8x) – Strong’s G4151 in Php 1:19; Php 1:27; Php 2:1; Php 3:3; Php 4:5; Php 4:23; Strong’s G4761 in Php 2:2; Strong’s G2473 in Php 2:20; (4:5 implied)

glory (8x)s – Strong’s G1391 inPhp 1:11; Php 2:11; Php 3:19; Php 3:21; Php 4:19; Php 4:20; Strong’s G2745 in Php 2:16; Strong’s G2744 in Php 3:3.

mind (4x) – Strong’s G5590 in Php 1:27; Strong’s G5426 in Php 2:2; Strong’s G5012a in Php 2:3; Strong’s G1380 in Php 3:4 / attitude (3x/2v) – Strong’s G5426 in Php 2:5; Php 3:15.

love (4x) – Strong’s G26 in Php 1:9; Php 1:16; Php 2:1; Php 2:2.

death (5x) – Strong’s G2288 in Php 1:20; Php 2:8; Php 2:27; Php 2:30; Php 3:10.

imprisonment (4x) – Strong’s G1199 in Php 1:7; Php 1:13; Php 1:14; Php 1:17.

all (23x) – Strong’s G3956 in Php 1:1; Php 1:3; Php 1:4; Php 1:7; Php 1:8; Php 1:9; Php 1:20; Php 1:25; Php 2:14; Php 2:17; Php 2:21; Php 2:26; Php 2:28; Php 2:29; Php 3:8; Php 3:21; Php 4:5; Php 4:7; Php 4:13; Php 4:19; Php 4:22.

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries & Study Bibles

Top 5 Commentaries on Philippians –

Best Commentaries on Philippians – Tim Challies

Commentary Reviews: Philippians

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: Philippians

Albert Barnes Notes on the Whole Bible: Philippians (1870)

Alfords Exegetical Commentary: Philippians

Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Bible: Philippians

Geneva Study Bible: Philippians

Reformation Study Bible Notes: Philippians

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: Philippians

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

City of Philippi

Holman Bible Dictionary: Philippi

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Philippi

McClintock and Strong: Philippi

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Philippi

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Philippi

Wikipedia – Philippi


Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: Philippians – Theology of –

Holman Bible Dictionary Philippians

Hastings’ Dictionary of the NT Philippians Epistle to the

Easton’s Bible Dictionary Philippians, Epistle to

Fausset Bible Dictionary Philippians, the Epistle to the

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Philippians, Epistle to

Smith Bible Dictionary Philippians, Epistle to the

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Philippians, the Epistle to

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia Philippians, Epistle to The,

The Nuttall Encyclopedia Philippians, Epistle to the

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Epistle to the Philippians

Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia Philippians epistle to the

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia Philippians

Morrish Bible Dictionary Philippians, Epistle to the


Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: Paul the Apostle

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Paul

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Paul

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Paul

Holman Bible Dictionary: Paul

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Paul the Apostle

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Paul

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Paul

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Paul, the Apostle

McClintock and Strong: Paul

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Paul

The Jewish Encyclopedia:


American Tract Society: Timothy

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary:

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Holman Bible Dictionary: Timothy

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Timothy

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Timothy

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Timotheus, Timothy

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Timothy

McClintock and Strong: Timothy

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Timothy

Timothy in Acts:  Acts 16:1-3; Acts 17:14-15; Acts 18:5; Acts 19:22; Acts 20:4


Holman Bible Dictionary: Epaphroditus; Epaphras

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Epaphroditus; Epaphras

McClintock and Strong: Epaphroditus; Epaphras

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Epaphroditus; Epaphras

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Epaphroditus; Epaphras

Epaphras in NT:  Col 1:7, 4:12; Phm 1:23;  Php 2:25; Php 4:18

Section 6: Articles


Bateman, Herbert W. “Were the Opponents at Philippi Necessarily Jewish?”

McClain, Alva J. “Doctrine of the Kenosis in Philippians 2:5-8,”

Murray, George W. “Paul’s Corporate Witness in Philippians,”

Swift, Robert C. “The Theme and Structure of Philippians

Philippians 2:5-11 Hymn or Exalted Pauline Prose: Gordon D Fee

Giving and Receiving in Paul’s Epistles – Gerald Peterman

Further Reflections on Philippians 2:5-11 – C F D Moule

Fulfilling The Gospel: The Scope Of The Pauline Mission – Paul Bowers

To What End Exegesis? Reflections on Exegesis and Spirituality in Philippians 4:10-20 – Gordon D Fee

Epaphroditus’ Sickness and the Letter to the Philippians – Colin O Buchanan

The Interpretation of Philippians 2:5 – A T Hanson

Does Philippians 1:6 Guarantee Progressive Sanctification? Part 2 – John Hart (another site)

Philippians 2:5-11 An Early Christian Confession – R P Martin

A Further Note on Philippians 2:5 – Michael Hollis

The Meaning Of harpagmos In Philippians 2:6 – An Overlooked Datum For Functional Inequality Within The Godhead – Dennis Burk

The Epistle to the Philippians – An Expanded Paraphrase – F F Bruce

Philippians 3:11 – If By Any Means… – Donald L Norbie

The Kenosis Question – Thomas A Thomas

The Role Of Suffering In The Mission Of Paul And The Mission Of The Church – Robert L. Plummer

Paul and Christian Unity: A Formal Analysis of Philippians 2:1-4 – David Alan Black

Philippians 3:11- Attaining the Resurrection (Problem Texts) – F F Bruce

On the Articular Infinitive in Philippians 2:6 – Denny Burk

Sending Letters in the Ancient World: Paul and the Philippians – Stephen R Llewelyn

Partnership in the Gospel: The Role of Women in the Church at Philippi – A Boyd Luter

Philippians 2:5-11 The Christ Hymn in Philippians 2:5-11 A Review Article – I Howard Marshall

Some Reflections on New Testament Hymns – Ralph P Martin

Philippians: From People to the Letter – Peter Oakes

The Pattern of Christ’s Sufferings: Colossians 1:24 and Philippians 3:10-11 – Andrew Perriman

Paul’s Letter to the Philippians in Light of the Disunity in the Church – Davorin Peterlin

Thankless Thanks: The Epistolary Social Convention in Philippians 4:10-20 Gerald W Peterman

Caesarea, Rome, and the Captivity Epistles – Bo Reicke

Philippians 3:6 – Blameless Before God” – Alan Thompson

He Emptied Himself – Robert E Wilson

Christian Identity and Christian Worship in Philippians 3:3 – Andrew V Snider

Self-Emptying (Philippians 2:5-8) TV Philip

The Mind of Christ (Philippians 2:3-11) TV Philip

Section 7: Got Questions

Questions about Philippians

Book of Philippians – Bible Survey

What are the prison epistles?

How can I experience joy in my Christian life?

What does it mean “to live is Christ”?

What does it mean that “to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21)?

What does it mean to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit?

What does the Bible say about selfishness?

What does the Bible say about attitude? (humility?)

What does it mean and when will it happen that every knee shall bow?

What does it mean to work out salvation with fear and trembling?

What is progressive sanctification?

Who was Epaphroditus in the Bible?

What is the peace that passes all understanding?

What is the peace of God, and how can I experience it?

Can I really do all things through Christ?

Section 8: Next

Next: Colossians

Previous: Ephesians

Series: Resources by Book

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash