September 2022 Reflections

by | Sep 30, 2022 | News, Reflections

As a new believer, I assumed the instructions Jesus gave the 12 before their first missionary journey applied directly to all believers. But they don’t! This journey was an important first-step in training the apostles to carry on Jesus’ ministry after the ascension. I hope you’ve been listening to learn why he told them to take no provisions, seek no payment and expect persecution. If not, you’ll find links to the podcast below.

Matthew presents this initial sending of the Twelve as a first step toward their ultimate global mission. Even though they are to stay in Jewish territory on this journey, ultimately, Jesus is going to send them to the world. Listen 53 Matthew 9:35-10:8 Sending the Twelve

On this journey, Jesus deliberately makes his apostles dependent on the hospitality of the children of Israel by instructing them not to take provisions. The apostles might expect they are launching a victory tour, but they will learn first-hand how the children of Israel will reject the Messiah. Listen: 54 Matthew 10:8-23 Provisions & Persecution

Matthew 10:23 is one of the most difficult verses in the New Testament. It raises many eschatological problems. This podcast provides an overview of the options and issues. Listen: 55 Matthew 10:23 Coming of the Son of Man

New Resources

Music Fridays

Home Concert Refresh – Enjoy a refreshing half hour of Reggie Coates sharing his own songs during one of his home concerts. May you be encouraged and reminded of essential truths.

8-Minute worship with Reggie Coates – Enjoy this 8-minute video of Reggie Coates leading worship at a Sunday morning service with First Baptist Church in Watsonville, California.

Featured Resources

Welcome new listeners!

If you’re just joining our study of the Gospel of Matthew, you might want to start at the beginning.  In your podcast feed, scroll down to find “01 Gospel of Matthew Introduction.”   It is Season 18, Episode 1.  Or follow this link to listen.

There are so many ways to listen to podcasts, getting started is confusing. Here are some tutorials for Android, iPhone, Spotify, Alexa, Audible, etc.

You can also make your own “app” to access podcasts directly from the website.

Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.

Next: October 2022

Previous: August 2022

Top photo by Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash