Women’s Ministry Survey Example

Women’s Ministry Survey Example

As a ministry leader, you often do surveys. But what questions should ask? Which questions solicit the best input? After 30 years in ministry — and countless surveys! — these are the questions I’ve found most helpful.

How to use commentaries

How to use commentaries

Commentaries can kick-start your thinking when you hit a dead end but should not be a substitute for your own work. Here’s my two rules of thumb.

What good is a Bible dictionary?

What good is a Bible dictionary?

Lexicons & dictionaries can reveal what might be “lost in translation” but they also tempt us to fall into the trap of “I learned a fact about a word and I must use it.”

What is a concordance and why do I need one?

What is a concordance and why do I need one?

A concordance is an organized list of all the biblical texts which contain a given word. Concordances allow you to broaden your understanding of how a word is used and its range of meanings.  There are 3 types: analytical, exhaustive and complete.

What can I learn from a Bible map?

What can I learn from a Bible map?

You’ll be surprised at how the information on a map can open your study. Consider how knowing that the road to Jericho was 17-miles changes the parable of the good Samaritan

Which translation of the Bible should I use?

Which translation of the Bible should I use?

Since every translation is an interpretation of the original language, you should consult several translations of different types when studying the Bible. Bibles fall on an interpretation scale and it will improve your study if you know the difference and have one of each type.

Once a believer, always a believer?

Once a believer, always a believer?

Do I choose God or does God choose me? Once a believer, always a believer? You may never have thought these questions through. Or you may be inconsistent in living like they are true (or false). Either way, how you answer some basic theological questions makes a world of difference in daily life.

Do I choose God or does God choose me?

Do I choose God or does God choose me?

Do I choose God or does God choose me? Once a believer, always a believer? You may never have thought these questions through. Or you may be inconsistent in living like they are true (or false). Either way, how you answer some basic theological questions makes a world of difference in daily life.

Bible Maps, Charts & Tools

Bible Maps, Charts & Tools

Without the proper tools, your ability to do great Bible study is limited. On this one page, you’ll find links to websites, maps, charts, overviews, outlines, timelines encyclopedias, concordances and tips on how to use them.